Instructor: | Boaz Barak, office hours: Tuesdays 1-2:30pm (MD 329) |
Teaching Fellows: | Tudor Giurgica-Tiron ( giurgicatiron (at) college (dot) harvard (dot) edu), Section schedule: TBD, office hours: TBD
Nathan Manohar (nmanohar (at) college (dot) harvard (dot) edu), Section schedule: TBD, office hours: TBD Mark Yao - extension school TF (markyao (at) college (dot) harvard (dot) edu), Section schedule: TBD, office hours: TBD |
Administrator: | Kevin Doyle, 617-496-6257, Maxwell Dworkin 111A kdoyle (at) seas (dot) harvard (dot) edu |
Canvas website: | (Used to submit all homeworks and quizzes.) |
Piazza Website | (Discussion boards) |
The requirements for students taking this course are:
Weekly problem sets will typically be due to be submitted electronically at 11:30am on Tuesdays (i.e., before class). You are allowed 6 late days for the semester, of which at most 2 can be used on any individual problem set. (1 late day = any delay bigger than 0 and smaller than 24 hours). In case of an emergency which requires an exception to these rules, please have your resident dean (or research advisor, in the case of graduate students) contact me. There will be no late days for the online quizzes, and I will not drop the results of any problem sets, but the bonus points can make up for these.
Problem sets will be submitted electronically as PDF files via canvas. You can obtain this PDF file in any way you wish, including using Word, LaTex, or even writing down your answers and scanning them but I encourage you to write your homework as Markdown (with the extra syntax of Latex math) files. There are many ways to edit markdown files and compile them to PDF, but one simple cross-platform option is to use the web application Madoko. (Another option is to edit them via and either use its export to PDF option or compile the markdown file via Pandoc.) I will supply the markdown source files for all homeworks to make this easier.
Students are encouraged to discuss the course material and the homework problems with each other in small groups (of two to three people). Discussion of homework problems may include brainstorming and verbally walking through possible solutions, but should not include one person telling the others how to solve the problem. In addition, each person must write up their solutions independently, and these write-ups should not be checked against each other or passed around. When writing up your homework, you must list the names of the people you have collaborated with on this assignment.
While working on your problem sets, you may not refer to existing solutions, whether from other students, past offerings of this course, materials available on the internet, or elsewhere. All problem sets should include a collaboration statement listing all collaborators and sources of ideas other than the course materials.